Bernard Antony began his working life as a mobile grocer, as there were many of them at the time, driving around the countryside in a small truck selling butter, sugar, coffee and even clothes to the most isolated villages. A chance meeting would change his life. Indeed, Bernard and Jeanine Antony’s passion for cheese came about thanks to a meeting in 1979 with Master Cheesemaker Pierre Androuët, a great prophet in his time of the white gold. The result was a first ripening cellar in 1983, then a tasting cellar in 1986. Today the firm has seven cellars for ripening and aging cheese. Over the years, many famous chefs have fallen under the spell of these products, ripened and aged with such love and care. Within a few years, nearly 19 three-Michelin star restaurants were entrusting Antony with their cheese platter selections. A great traveller, Bernard Antony loves to talk about cheese and spread the good word. From Paris to Hong Kong, via New York, Berlin and Venice, there are plenty of opportunities to discover these treasures of the French terroir.
Language spoken: French
Photo credit: Marcel Ehrhard