MD rheumatologist (Hospital Cochin Paris 1984-90), PhD Neurosciences (CNRS (1986-1990)), Astronaut, Politician, CEO of a cultural public establishment
Astronaut with 2 space missions: Selected by CNES (French space agency) in 1985 as an astronaut candidate, training in Star City Russia from 1992, first space mission (16 days ) on board Mir space station in 1996, became member of the European Astronaut Corps for ESA (European Space Agency) in 1999, second space mission (10 days) on board the ISS in 2001.
Member of the French Government under the presidency of Jacques Chirac, as delegate Minister for research (2002-2004) and then delegate Minister for European Affairs (2004-2005)
Advisor to ESA’s DG for European space strategy (2005-2009)
CEO of Universcience «PARIS science museum »(Palais de la Découverte + Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie) (2009-2015)
Senior advisor to ESA’s DG (2015-2020) about Lunar exploration
Member of Foundations supporting STEM in education and innovation (Fondation L’Oreal, Fondation AIRBUS, Fondation CGenial)
Gran’croix de l’Ordre National du Mérite, Grand Officier de la Légion d’Honneur
Docteur Honoris Causa (EPFL, Université de Mons, Université Catholique de Louvain), Beihang University (Beijing)
Membre of the French Académie des Technologies, Académie des Sports, Académie des Sciences de l’Outre-Mer, Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace, International Academy of Astronautics, Membre of the Académie des Sciences de Belgique
Réserve Citoyenne de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace française
Spoken languages: English and French
Photo credit: Laurence Laborie