Mike Magidson is originally from the Bay Area, born at the height of the 1967 "summer of love" in Oakland, California. After getting a college degree, he immediately set off to Los Angeles where he was cast in a series of small theater productions. Unable to pay his rent with his modest actor fees, Mike took a job as an apprentice editor with one of Hollywood's top ranked trailer producers, Intralink Film Graphic Design, where he began to dream of a career as a filmmaker. Following his heart and a strong curiosity for French culture, in 1992 Mike packed up a suitcase, and moved to Paris, France. After several years editing for such reputable directors as Pan Nalin, Antoine de Maximy, and Jean-Michel Carré, in 1998 Mike borrowed a friend's camera and made his first award winning documentary, Kanada. Eleven years later, Mike has written and directed over twenty documentaries and shorts. Inuk is his first feature-length narrative film.
Languages spoken: French and English
Photo credit: The Explorers Club